IIPWG Additional Resources
Additional resources from the Investors & Indigenous Peoples Working Group, including links to investor letters, briefs, toolkits, and IIPWG statements, as well as news items and article highlights. See also IIPWG webinars and newsletters.
Investor Letters & IIPWG Statements
▶ IIPWG statement: IIPWG Comment Letter to the SEC's Proposed Climate Rule
▶ Investor Letter to SEC Re: Response to Proposed Rule on The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
▶ IIPWG statement: Investor Statement on Line 3 and Other Oil Sands Projects
▶ Investor Letter on Line 3, Oil Sands Projects, and FPIC
▶ IIPWG statement: Indigenous Peoples Day 2022 - Resources towards Indigenous-Led Economic Development
▶ Investor Letter to AT&T Anti-Native Bias Regarding at CNN
▶ IIPWG statement: IIPWG on the New Name of the Washington Football Team
▶ IIPWG statement: Indigenous Peoples Day 2021
▶ IIPWG statement: Tahoe Resort Where IIPWG Began Changes Its Racist Name
▶ Follow-up investor letters to NIKE, PepsiCo, and retailers about need to end racist branding after the Washington Football Team name retirement.
▶ Investor letter to NIKE, PepsiCo and FedEx about the need to retire the Washington Football Team's racist name and logo.
Toolkits & Briefs
▶ Toolkit: Integrating Indigenous Peoples, Biodiversity, and Finance
▶ Marriott International Investor Brief: Violations of the Rights of Indigenous Newars in Nepal
▶ Talking Points: Integrating Indigenous Rights into the SEC’s Proposed Rule for Climate Risk Disclosures
▶ Talking Points: ESG, Climate and Indigenous Rights Risk Disclosures
▶ Line 3 Investor Brief
▶ Toolkit: Eradicating Native Mascots in Sports after the Washington Football Team Name Retirement
▶ TOOLKIT: Investors Demand Washington Team Name Change
News Items & Articles
Investors advocate for Indigenous Peoples’ rights | Mercy Investment Services 9/26/23
Calling in Companies on FPIC (Part 2): How Investors can Forward Indigenous Priorities for FPIC + Questions from Companies | First Peoples Worldwide 7/7/23
Calling in Companies on FPIC Part 1: Self-Determination, Sovereignty and a Model for Long-term, Relational Engagement | First Peoples Worldwide 6/30/23
SEC urged to measure Indigenous risks | Indian Country Today 6/21/22
SEC comment cacophony | Politico 6/17/22
Wealthy investors urge banks and oil financiers to consent with Indigenous peoples | Indigenous Wire 4/14/22
Investors ask banks to rethink funding fossil fuel projects, including Line 3 | Indian Country Today 3/31/22
Proposed rule would make company climate ‘risk’ reports mandatory | Indian Country Today 3/23/22
Prioritizing Safety, Wellbeing and Good Relationships through Investment in Indian Country | First Peoples Worldwide 2/28/22
‘LOUD AND CLEAR’: An Indigenous push for the SEC to include tribal human and land rights in its investor disclosures | Tribal Business News 9/20/21
Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights as a Minimum Standard for Corporate Practice | Stanford Social Innovation Review 2/18/21
Behind the scenes of the investor push to change Washington's football team name | ESPN 9/2/20
Oneida Nation: Rebuilding and Refining our SRI Practices | GreenMoney 3/1/20
We're Not Done With DAPL: How Investors Can Still Support Indigenous Rights | Forbes 11/1/18
“Engage What You Own:” Your Investment Portfolios and Indigenous Peoples Rights | International Funders for Indigenous Peoples 4/1/18
Indigenous Peoples and Engagement Timeline for Sustainable and Responsible Investing (2006 – 2015) | GreenMoney 8/1/15
Indigenous Peoples and Engagement Timeline for Sustainable and Responsible Investing (1971 – 2005 ) | GreenMoney 8/1/15
IPWG hosts a monthly strategy call for participants that serves as a clearinghouse for information, news, and joint action to bring together Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities on issues related to sustainable and responsible investing and Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Resources include a monthly newsletter, investor briefs and toolkits, webinars, roundtables, and more.
Download the one-pager.
For more information and to register to attend calls, please complete this form. Find details about IIPWG Canada here.
Tallgrass Institute serves as Secretariat for IIPWG. If you would like to participate or learn more about IIPWG, please contact us here.
Top photo: Palisades Tahoe where IIPWG was formed and pursued one of its first engagements; image via Palisades Tahoe.